Introduction To Dungeons and Dragons For Young People

We run sessions for different age groups:

  • 9 to 12 years
  • 12 to 15 years

Looking to introduce your children to the magical world of Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) and Roleplaying Games (RPGs)? Look no further than our low-cost online “Introduction to Dungeons and Dragons” sessions!

The Introduction to Dungeons and Dragons for young people sessions are designed to let new players explore and learn the important aspects that make RPGs a unique experience: they will roleplay their character, solve puzzles, test their character’s skills and abilities, and vanquish mighty foes!

Our two-part series requires nothing more than access to a computer, Discord and a web browser – no prior experience or special equipment needed

In session one, an experienced Dungeon Master (DM) will guide players through selecting their first character, discuss and agree table etiquette, and go through the basic rules. The group of brave heroes will then embark on their first Dungeons and Dragons adventure.

In session two, we’ll recap the previous session, continue the adventure to its epic conclusion, and end with a Q&A session to address any questions that players may have.

Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to develop social skills, spark creativity, and enhance critical thinking in young mindssign up for our “Introduction to Dungeons and Dragons” sessions today!