The very first “D&B Board Game Convention” took place on 9th March 2024 at Arnold Methodist Church. It was a huge success – better than Phire or I could have imagined!
Lots of games were played by lots of people, the Kids’ Area was a popular, and we got to get all of our Giant Wooden Games out together for the very first time. We also had visits from local councillors Roy Allan and Kyle Robinson-Payne!
Thank you, Jason, for running City of Gods, Jon for the snacks, Kane, Linda, and Aaron, for helping us set up. Thank you, to Lea, and Will, for all your help throughout the day. A special thank you to, Luke, for running The Hub all day – allowing us to keep it open while we were busy.. We’re also grateful to The Guys from Kimberley Games, Fang, and Phoenix Games for coming, letting us post on your pages, and for supporting us.
And of course, thank you to everyone who turned-up – your participation, support and enthusiasm made us both very happy ladies!
We’re already planning the next “D&B Board Game Convention”, so stay tuned for details.
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