Donate to Dice and Balls

Monthly Games Pass

If you want to regularly help Dice & Balls, please consider our Monthly Games Pass

Games Pass
Bring people together through Board Games
At Dice & Balls, we believe that everyone deserves to have fun and feel included. That’s why we’re dedicated to creating fully inclusive experiences for the local community through board games and circus skills workshops, and feel blessed to be in a position to do so. Our company has two sides: Dice, which runs board game and RPG events, and Balls, which runs circus skills workshops. We focus on creating welcoming environments for everyone, especially those who may feel socially isolated due to social anxiety, learning difficulties, neurodivergent conditions, or simply being new to the area and not yet knowing anyone. We want to create spaces and events where everyone can feel welcomed, valued, empowered, and most importantly have fun!

We have opened a hub in Arnold, Nottingham. A place where people can come to find out what we offer, play games with other people, take part in regular organized events, and discuss how we can help them with their own projects.
To help fund the free events, the hub also sells a wide selection of board games circus skills equipment, and related handmade wooden crafts.
We still need your support, though. Our running costs are high – the rent alone is over £900 per month.
We’re both still working in our regular jobs to support ourselves, and we would love to get to the position of dedicating our time fully to supporting the community.
By donating to us, you’ll be supporting a non-profit organization that’s committed to creating positive social change through fun and engaging activities. Your support will help us create a welcoming and inclusive space that will benefit the local community. So please join us on this journey and help us to create somewhere where everyone can come together, learn new skills, and have fun!
Thank you for your support.